Speakers of the conference

Jaakko Hollmén
Antti Tuominen
Kristoffer Lawson
Arto Karila

Jaakko Hollmén

Jaakko Hollmén is an acting professor in the Laboratory of Computer and Information Science of the Helsinki University of Technology. He completed his Master's degree in 1996 and the Doctoral degree in 2000, both at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Helsinki University of Technology. His research interests include data analysis and data mining, and their applications in bioinformatics.

Jaakko Hollmén was responsible for external affairs of the Data Guild in 1992, and completed part of his basic studies in the Nordic study program "Enterprises of the Future" (Framtidens industriföretag), including studies at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm for one study year starting in 1993.

The title of Hollmén's presentation is "Bioinformatics --- something for the computer scientists ?"

I will start the presentation by broadly sketching the field of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is a new collaborative field of science involving both computer scientists and biologists (or mecidal researchers). I will continue by explaining how education in this area is organized at HUT to meet the growing demand of bioinformaticians.

In the second part of the presentation, demonstrative examples from the research will be presented to give a flavor of one specific field (according to the research interest of the speaker) called gene expression data analysis. Gene expression refers to transcriptional activity of a particluar gene within a cell, reflecting the manufacturing levels of proteins. Recent breakthroughs in measurement technology enables measuring the activity of thousands of genes simultaneously in a cell. The resulting, large amounts of measurement data makes it necessary to involve data analysis in order to make meaningful inferences and conclusions about the biological problem at hand. Towards the end, I will speak speculatively about the future impact of bioinformatics on natural sciences and our everyday lives.


Antti Tuominen

Antti Tuominen is a research assistant at HUT Telecommunications software and multimedia laboratory. His main areas of interest include IP networking, mobile IPv6 and mobile ad hoc networks.

Tuominen's topic at the conference is "From Host Mobility to Network Mobility and Mobile Ad hoc Networks".

This presentation introduces three relatively new concepts in the modern Internet, host mobility, network mobility and mobile ad hoc networks. Currently we are beginning to see host mobility being deployed in production networks. Latter two are still more or less research items. There are a few real world products using mobile ad hoc networking already available, and mobile networks are also pushing strong. However, a lot of research effort is still needed before we see mobile networks and mobile ad hoc networks as an integral part of the Internet. In this presentation I will give a general picture what the problems really are. I will also describe what has been done and what is in progress in the area of IP mobility.


Kristoffer Lawson

Lawson is one of the main organizers of the Alternative Party (www.altparty.org) and has worked on scripting languages, especially tcl.

Lawson's topic for the conference is "Scripting Should Be Everywhere".

Languages like Javascript, PHP and, to some extent, VisualBasic have brought some of the concepts of scripting to the masses. However, scripts are still generally thought to be small nifty little pieces of code for parsing text files, creating the odd web application and for annoying gimmicks. Scripting as a development methodology is generally ignored in university-level studies. In this presentation the claim is made that scripting should be a core part of almost any application development and should guide design philosophy and the architecture of the application. The basic concepts behind scripting and script languages are also presented, as well as an overview of the Tcl language.


Arto Karila

Dr. Arto Karila, Karila A. & E. Oy

Dr. Karila has been working with internetworking, information security and ICT for 20 years. He has been working, among other positions, as Director of service development of Telecom Finland (now Sonera), General Manager of the Nordic region of Wellfleet Communications (now Nortel networks) and, most recently, Professor of computer networks and information security of Helsinki University of Technology. He has also been involved in a number of start-up companies and on the board of directors of three publicly traded companies. Currently he is working for his family company Karila A. & E. Oy providing consulting and education in ICT and technology strategies for a number of domestic and international customers.

Current trends in ICT
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has already converged into an indivisible ICT, which is fast becoming ubiquitous. During this century, ICT will reshape the world more profoundly than most people now realize. The presentation deals with the mega-trends of ICT, including the all-IP development, the role of mobility and security, component-based middleware architectures, and the shift of emphasis from infrastructure to applications and services.