Conference schedule

Each group's reiseführer will have a key to the sleeping area and participants can freely take advantage of that. :)

All times are in local time. Finland is GMT+02 until [30.3.2003, 01:00 GMT] and after that Finland is GMT+03 (Daylight Saving Time a.k.a. Summer Time)

Friday 28.3.2003:

10:00 - Ships arrive at the Helsinki Port
      - Lunch (on your own)
      - use the opportunity to see Helsinki :)
      - Lodging (keys to responsible persons, luggage into storage)
      - Picking up mattresses
Please arrive to CS-building (T-talo) at Otaniemi so that an hour will be
left for the following
      - Lodging (keys to responsible persons, luggage into storage)
      - Picking up mattresses
15:00 - Demo 1 at EVE virtual reality lab
15:30 - Demo 2		mainly for people arriving early with ships
16:00 - Demo 3
17:00 - Registration in T2 (T-shirts, handouts, name tags)
17:45 - Registration ends, welcoming speech by NUCCC's Two-headed
        Eagle and explanation of the practical stuff
18:00 - Dinner/heavy warm snack
      - Rearranging into orienteering groups
19:00 - Orienteering: fun games around Otaniemi campus
21:00 - Sauna @ Rantasauna
      - Grilling, socialising, sausages for sale
21:30 - PGP-key signing party at Teekkarimuseo

Saturday 29.3.2003:

08:00 - Wakey-wakey!
      - Showers open at Rantasauna
09:00 - Breakfast at T-talo
10:30 - Seminar 1, Antti Tuominen (All seminars in T1)
11:45 - Lunch at Servin mökki
13:15 - Seminar 2, Jaakko Hollmen
14:30 - Seminar 3, Arto Karila
15:45 - Snack
16:15 - Seminar 4, Kristoffer Lawson
17:45 - Access to sleeping area/luggage, showers open at OK20,
        time to prepare for dinner
19:00 - Formal dinner (sitsit) @ Smökki, NO overalls!
24:00 - Midnight hymn
      - Afterparty=Jatkot still at Servinmökki with Tero Mäyränen
01:30 - After-afterparty=Jajatkot @ OK20
        Sauna warm, lounge and a bar side
03:00 - Moving to DST (turning the clocks one hour ahead)

Sunday 30.3.2003:

(Remember, we are now in GMT+03)

09:00 - Wake up, showers open upstairs of the sleeping areas
      - Mattresses back to storage
10:30 - Take your luggage to T-talo
11:00 - Breakfast @ T-talo
12:00 - NUCC meeting in T1
13:00 - End of official program
13->  - Getting to know Helsinki,
        (possibly guided) cultural exhibitions
17:00 - Around this time ships leave from Helsinki port