Aalto University School of Science
Department of Computer Science
- Maintenance break in Paniikki classroom. Workstations will be changed between 2017-08-22 and 2017-08-27, and they will be installed with common Aalto Linux installation that uses Aalto logins and home directories. Old files on Paniikki workstations are available on kekkonen.niksula.hut.fi shell server.
- Administration’s office hours are 12:15-14:00 from monday to friday. (Room A243)
- All announcements and other current topics are available only in the tkk.niksula.tiedottaa newsgroup on news.otax.fi. (This page is not updated often)
- The newsgroup above is meant only for annoucements, for discussions, please use tkk.niksula newsgroup in news.otax.fi.
- System administration & user support
- History (in Finnish)
Things to see in Niksula
- The Compute Science Guild (Tietokilta in Finnish) is the organization for students of computer science. The WWW-pages contain lots of interesting information, in Finnish.
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