haalareista - om overallen på svenska - about overalls in english

haalareista suomeksi om overallen på svenska about overalls in english

3m's overallproject


I've been gathering all sorts of stuff related (more or less) to the overallculture of Svedish and Finnish students.
Why? Well... I'm not sure. It all begun a couple of years ago when I got this bright idea to make a www-version of my overall and to find all homepages for all those patches of various studentorganisations I had on my own overall. (at that time I had less than 200 of them)
And then things just went on and on and ...
...and then this system sort of "exploded".


Most of the following material is in Finnish, but I'm about to make some translations ... when I have time - and inspiration.

...this one was taken in Jyväskylä by EVE in March 13th 1997 at a very big local studentparty/overallhappening known as "Kauppakadun Appro". The other picture is a new one: May 1st 2000 and taken by AZTEC.
me there then Ullanlinnanmäki, 1st May 2000

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Valid HTML 4.0! Matti M M Änkö <3m@hut.fi>

the date of updating updated December 19th 2002

Elämän tarkoitus? Teistä muista en tiedä, mutta minä etsin
elämän Perimmäistä, Suurta Totuutta, jonka olemassaolosta
tiedän vain sen, ettei sitä ole olemassa. Ymmärrän ja hyväksyn
tämän, mutten anna sen lainkaan häiritä etsintääni.